DeFiBot Usage
How are fees collected?
How are fees collected?
Trade with DeFiBot, and the DeFiBot router contract handles it all. Buy a token? It deducts the fee from your ETH input. Sell a token? The fee comes off your ETH output. Simple, fast, efficient.
How do you keep DeFiBot Secure?
Private keys are encrypted with top-tier industry standard security. No one has access to them.
With DeFiBot, you have access to your keys, you can import them to Metamask for full control over your funds.
We do it together
You only fund what you are trading with, keep risk management in mind at all times.
Treat it like a hot wallet, meaning move your funds back to your source wallet if you won't be actively trading for a while.
R.T.S (Return To Source) Feature, fast click to return all the funds in all your DeFiBot wallets to your configured Source wallet in 2 clicks.
DeFiBot Security Code: Set it up once, interact with your funds and wallets securely. Specify the time period, and the code won't be requested again within that time span. Simple, secure control at your fingertips.
How does DeFiBot handle swap slippage?
Slippage: Set your cap on price movement for a swap. Too much movement? Transaction reverts.
Non-Private Transactions: Use "Auto" for the lowest successful slippage with your ETH amount. If not available, set the minimum needed.
Private Transactions: Slippage is set at 20% for typical buys/sells, and 30% for limit buys/sells. Easy and efficient.
Last updated